Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ruth Marcus Gets the Vapors

Ruth Marcus goes nuts on the Donald for his Muslim ban proposition.
With his call for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," Donald Trump has crossed an uncrossable line of bigotry and xenophobia. The Republican front-runner presents a clearer, more present danger to U.S. interests than the supposedly threatening Muslims he seeks to exclude. He is a one-man recruiting tool for the Islamic State.
We think Trump is a "freaking idiot" but we don't get what makes him a one-man recruiting tool for the Islamic State.

Has there been a survey of Muslims world-wide since yesterday:

Poll question: "U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims from the U.S. Does this make it more likely you'll be joining ISIS in the near future?"

Marcus cites no evidence for her claim. She does mention that not too long ago Trump accused  Mexicans of being rapists. Does she think that because he did, more Mexicans actually became rapists? Did that make Trump a "one-man recruiting tool" for rape? Please!

Marcus announces herself sickened and "embarrassed" for her country. This is just your typical liberal hysteria and high dudgeon. Enough politicians from both sides of the aisle have slammed Trump's proposed ban.

Less unhinged members of the commentariat have admitted that inviting Muslim "refugees" from Syria into the U.S. carries with it greater risks than inviting the Christians who are being raped, murdered and otherwise  persecuted by ISIS in the Middle East. Why were are not calling what is happening to those Christians "genocide" is a good and fair question.

As Kirsten Powers recently wrote in USA Today:
In October, Islamic State militants in Syria demanded that two Christian women and six men convert to Islam. When they refused, the women were publicly raped and then beheaded along with the men. On the same day, militants cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy in an attempt to force his Christian father to convert. When his father refused, they were brutalized and then crucified.
Yes, this was months before Donald Trump shot his mouth off.

It would be nice to hear from more observant Muslims about how sickened and embarrassed they are that such things are occurring in the name of their religion in their country. Unfortunately, too many of these Muslims are either too afraid to say anything or in too much agreement with Sharia law that promotes this type of viciousness and brutality.

Either way, the terrorist acts in San Bernardino committed in the name of Islam are enough for many Americans to wonder how effective our Immigration and Homeland Security departments are under this administration when it comes to figuring out just who our enemies are.

Hopefully, Donald Trump will not be our next president. We are willing to bet any takers a breakfast at Steak n Shake that he won't be. That doesn't mean these thorny issues are going to go away when he does.


  1. It's a Christmas Miracle! Welcome Back, Gil!

  2. The return of Spencer Blog is the best news I've had in a long time! Thanks!
