Sunday, December 27, 2015

Go Skins!

Our beloved (but ridiculous and butter-fingered) Philadelphia Eagles lost to the Washington Redskins last night to lose any chance to win the hapless NFC East. Ugh!

More importantly, the Skins won a more important victory in federal court the other day. Our betters in the federal bureaucracy were trying to outlaw their trademark name (and others) because some bed-wetting liberal types find it offensive on behalf of the Native Americans from whom we wrested this land we call America.

They aren't the only ones.

The court told the bureaucrats they have no constitutional right to decide what is "disparaging" to a group of people and what isn't. In so doing the court went about one of its most important jobs, that  of protecting the First Amendment.

If there is one thing we like about the Redskins it is that they are still called the Redskins. The team's owner refused to knuckle under to the city's bullying liberal establishment and so did the team's fans.

Congratulations to the warriors from Washington. They may not go deep into the playoffs this season but the fight they inadvertently won in the federal courts is a victory for all Americans.

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